Would your group or team like to reconnect with nature, have a taste of Forest school, explore life in prehistory?
Group Price:
£198 for up to 12 participants. This includes mid morning refreshments (a drink and a snack). You may bring your own if your have a specialised diet or allergies.
Over 18s only
In the grounds of Herd Farm especially the Roundhouse enclosure.
Wednesday mornings. Other days and times may be available following consultation with Tina and Herd Farm.
What time?
10am - 12.00pm (arrive about 10 minutes before for a prompt start).
Optional, bring a packed lunch to stay until 1pm. (Tina and Ian will be eating lunch and packing up from 12.00pm.)
Each group's session will be bespoke and planned with the group leader. It could include an introduction to Forest Bathing - a mindful nature walk, specific art or craft mini workshop, seasonal activities, forest school activities, an insight into our prehistoric ancestors, cooking outdoors or campfire conversation.
Menu of possibilities:
To book?
Email Tina - tinaevroberts@outlook.com
Booking needs to be made at least one month before and confirmed a fortnight before to enable FSP to plan and resource the session.
On payment Tina will send you a confirmation including details about the session to share with your group and how to pay by BACS or cheque. You will be fully re-imbursed if Tina cancels. If you cancel at short notice you will incur a charge. The later the cancellation the greater the charge as resources will have been bought, made or prepared for the session.
Is it outdoors? Will it be cancelled if it rains?
All sessions are 100% outdoors. You could take shelter inside a roundhouse but the entrances are very low, they are very primitive inside and have their own residents; birds and insects. Tina is a Forest School leader and usually works, "Whatever the weather". Our pilot session started with heavy rain. The participants had looked at the forecast and came prepared wearing waterproofs and hardy footwear and brought umbrellas. They were particularly enthusiastic about the sound of the rain pattering on the leaves in the woods. Luckily it brightened up later. Tina would cancel if the weather conditions were extreme and a threat to health and safety.
Where is Herd Farm?
The Herd Farm roundhouse enclosure - Herd Farm is a Residential and Activity Centre at Eccup. To find Herd Farm drive up Harrogate Road from Leeds, take the first left after the Grammar School at Leeds, follow the road past the reservoir and through a field. Take the right at the T-junction. Buzz to enter Herd Farm. Say you are in Tina's group. Tina will meet you in the car park and indicate where the toilet is so we are ready to start at 10.00am.
What will I do?
Each session will planned with the leader and detailed information will be provided before the date so you can come prepared.
Do I need to be skilled at art and craft?
No, the mini workshops are introductory and are intended to give a taste of something you may wish to develop further. Art and craft are mindful and the session is intended to be a relaxing, no pressure experience. You do not have to engage with it but we hope you will. Tina will be leading most of these sessions and although a life long artist and crafter is not an expert and it may be that you are the expert with skills and knowledge to share. All the art and craft workshops will be nature inspired, being one of the threads to develop a nature connection that is refreshing to mind, body and soul.
How fit do I need to be?
You need to be able to do a gentle walk and be able to walk down and uphill as the roundhouse enclosure is at the bottom of a valley. Our seating is rudimentary (logs and planks) and we are happy for you to bring a camping chair or stool if that is more comfortable.
How many people will be there?
From 12 plus the 2 leaders, Tina and Ian.
Who are the Leaders?
Tina of Forest School Plus will be there to welcome and guide you. Ian, archaeologist (www.ianrobertsarchaeology.co.uk) will be on hand to reflect on past people's relationship with nature.
Will there be any Covid precautions?
Since restarting sessions in June 2021 we have operated under what we call our Covid-aware risk assessments. We have chosen to stop all inside workshops and work 100% outside. Although we work with classes we are no longer going into schools and picking up bugs. We will have rudimentary handwashing available and santiser to hand so particpants can sanitise if sharing any resources. It is fine to bring your own tools (if you are a competent user) so you don't have to share. We are happy for you to bring your own sanitizer or wipes. If you wish to wear a mask or to social distance that is fine too.